
Current Reports Available to Non-Members

Report Number: 242

The Africa/ China Report(October 2019) Price: US$


Journalist: Belinda Musaredia

Report Number: 243

Zimbabwe - Foreign Mining Report (October 2019) Price: US$


Journalist: Michael Tsvangirai

Report Number: 244

Avocado Farming - Kenya Report (January 2020) Price: US$


Journalist: David Shaban

To purchase a Report, please email your order to:
reports@fightcorruptioninafrica.com with your name, address and telephone number
and report number(s) that you require. Once your email is received and processed
(normally within 5-7 working days) you will be sent a unique reference number for your payment.

Payment is required prior to sending and payment should be made
electronically in United States Dollars to:

APACCS (Association Payment and Credit Clearing Services)
IBAN: GB90NWBK60730181129963
REF: Unique Number from email

To ensure receipt of payment, payment must be referenced
with the unique number sent to your email.

All Reports will be posted to the purchaser in hard copy format, they will
not be sent electronically.

To purchase a report carried out prior to 30 June 2019 please access your
Membership account purchasing guide.