




Founded in 2010, Fight Corruption in Africa FCiA, works to expose corporate and Government corruption in Africa, past, present and sadly future.

Founded in 2010, Fight Corruption in Africa FCiA, works to expose corporate and Government corruption in Africa, past, present and sadly future.

Corruption expropriates the value of Africa, to the detriment of the people of Africa, be it in the form of genocide of wildlife, exploitation of minerals and natural wealth and above all the exploitation of the ordinary people of Africa.

Corruption in Africa holds back the people of Africa, often contrived by the desire of their own Governments, where short term foreign money provides the means to subjugate the populace.

This incredibly wealthy continent should today provide for the African people, the right of education, health and the possibility of success through merit and ability not through cronyism and nepotism, basic human rights for the African people are still hard to find.

FCiA is not a registered charity or an NGO, it is therefore purposefully not subject to foreign Government patronism, as now is seen more and more with NGOs existing to maintain the status quo of a virtue seeking cloak for the West whilst turning a blind eye to corrupt African Governments.

Today the new colonists have arrived, not from the West but from China a country not challenged as to its unquestionable racism towards the black people of Africa, they should be.

Africa is the property of the people of Africa!

Current Specialist Reports

Why China funded the Ethiopian Hidase Dam and the involvement of Tedros Adhanom, the Chinese nominated head of WHO

Researchers: Zenebe Tadele, Makda Alemu

Chinese banks are the preferred secret bank accounts of African Dictators

Researchers: Akina Kimathi, Jafari Afumba

The Future of Madagascar

Researchers: Fajah Rakoto and Javita Razafimahatratra